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  • jaynebooth68


Following what has been over described as unprecedented times, we are moving to freedom. Such a word can evoke huge emotions, but after such a difficult period in the world's history, it could also create an unexpected amount of pressure and anxiety.

The pandemic is and has been a traumatic experience. It stopped us from a crucial human need - contact with other humans. We had to learn how to connect with people using available technologies, but it never quite filled that need to be in close proximity. Now we are allowed to be close to other humans again, how do we manage it? We have been fed a daily diet of fear and anxiety - the numbers of infected people; percentages of infections; the R number; and the steadily growing, tragic numbers of those who died. Added to this were the constantly changing instructions of how to keep yourself safe - wash your hands; keep a safe distance; get tested; and eventually, get a vaccine. All of this and so much more would cause fear, fear of death, fear of losing loved ones, and fear of things never being the same. As we are moving out of lockdown, there is an 'expectation' things will return to 'normal'. But this does not acknowledge the feelings we are being left with. Where does the fear and anxiety go?

Feeling scared about moving out of lockdown is perfectly 'normal'; it is completely understandable given the trauma we have endured. What do we do? Acknowledge the awful time we have lived through including the sadness we felt being unable to be with loved ones, the changes we had to undertake to be able to manage during the lockdown, and recognise how amazing we have been. We have survived this dreadful time, now we have time to heal and be gentle with our fears and anxieties. To remind ourselves we were fed on a diet of what not to do, how to exist, as well as the numbers which hid the true cost of this pandemic - people's suffering. Take your time with moving out of this period, be gentle with yourself - if you feel unable to go out, don't, be kind and allow yourself to become used to life again.

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